In today's world, churches and other non-profits have found themselves in ever-increasing need of ways to stay relevant and in tune to the culture. The upside of this is that necessity has driven these institutions to strive for excellence. And the great thing is, there are people out there who are able to bring the messages of these organizations to the right people in a way that will make them stand out amongst the clutter of the rest of the world.

At Sasser Creative, we can help you be a light that is truly visible among all the other distractions.

However, we know full well that you have a particular responsibility to use your funds judiciously, considering their source. Churches and certain other non-profits are able to take advantage of discounts available to no others. Your church or organization will receive a discount of 20% off the contract rate. That is, you will not only get the reduced rate that advertising, PR and marketing firms receive. The 20% is off their rate, giving you a discount of almost 35%.

Why do we do this?

We give you this cut, because we believe that every penny you save has the potential to change lives. Knowing that, it is fitting that we bill only what is necessary to cover our time at the minimum level while still providing excellent work. As for the real reward for our efforts…we just ask that you let us know what impact we have helped you create!